Fixed partial denture

A patient with missing upper central incisor was restored with an esthetically pleasing conventional fixed partial denture.

Before Treatment
After Treatment

Restoration of teeth with dental implants

A patient presented with missing upper molars. Implants were placed on either sides and restores using implant supported bridges.

During Treatment

After Treatment

Full mouth rehabilitation

The patient in the following case has severely worn out teeth. Few teeth are also missing. Full mouth rehabilitation was performed, he was happy with the treatment outcome. You can see his response in the video testimonial.

Before Treatment

After Treatment

Smile designing

This patient has been aware of unesthetic smile due to the age related changes in is dentition. As he complains, he often refused to smile at public places. Rehabilitation was done using smile designing principles. Now, the patient is quite happy with his smile.

Before Treatment

After Treatment

Orbital prosthesis

A patient who underwent surgical excision of eyeball including a part of orbital bone was successfully rehabilitated with an orbital prosthesis

Before Treatment

After Treatment